Prevention Pest Control Ohio

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Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

Bed Bugs

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Bed Bugs

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Bed Bugs Pest Control

Bed Bugs

As you have been hearing on the news for quite awhile now, bed bugs are back! The number of people that are dealing with this pest is growing in Northeast Ohio every year. Lots of factors have contributed to the bed bug reinsurgence including more people traveling and certain pesticides being removed form the marketplace. Bed bugs are most active at night and a female will lay 200-250 eggs in her lifetime. This becomes a major problem as these eggs hatch in 6-10 days and newly hatched nymphs begin to seek a blood meal nearby. A mature bed bug can survive for up to a year without feeding and during its lifetime, can produce three or more generations of new bed bugs in a year. It does not take long for a home or business that has bed bugs introduced to it to become infested to a point that a pest control professional will need to be involved.

The number of people that are dealing with bed bugs is growing in Northeast Ohio every year so call Prevention Pest Control for a free inspection and let us take away the stress of having this unwanted pest.
Call: 234-571-1203

There are two ways to treat for bed bugs, a liquid chemical application and a heat treatment. Heat has been regarded as the best method of treatment to solve a major bed bug issue. I have been involved in many heat applications over the last 4 years. It does a nice job but does have its drawl backs. It is a very expensive treatment and if you have lots of clutter it will have its limitations. To be fair, any treatment will be difficult when clutter is involved, that is why the homeowner and pest company have to work together to achieve the best results. The other downside of a heat treatment is that is an event, not an ongoing protection against re-infestation. If you have found bed bugs in your home at a high number of samples (100 plus), then you would be a candidate for a heat treatment. The good news is most people are fortunate and find far less numbers in their homes. That is when a liquid application treatment can solve the problem at a fraction of the cost. According to the Central Ohio Bed Bug Task Force most homes will required three to four treatments to eliminate the bed bug infestation. In our experience we find that to be a true statement.

Treatment for Frequent Travelers

Prevention Pest Control has a bed bug service that is custom tailored for people who travel frequently and want to minimize the chance of getting bed bugs. First we will treat all bedrooms, bed frames, mattresses and other high traffic areas to have something in place in case of a bed bug being introduced into the home. Second we will treat luggage, carry on bags or any other form of travel accessory that you use. Third, we will set up a schedule based upon the frequency of your travel that will minimize the chance of having bed bugs get established in your home. These proactive steps will help long term and will provide you the peace of mind to get a good nights sleep. Contact us at Prevention Pest Control to hear more about our bed bug program.
Call: 234-571-1203

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